Master’s degree project
Master's degree project
Helicoverpa armigera is polyphagous and devastating insect pest of economic importance. Larval growth on various diets was compared by taking weights. Fecundity of moth is studied. Maximum larval and pupal weight was studied.
Amylase activities were detected in all the larval instars, and various diets. Initial instars had lower amylase activity which steadily increased up to the sixth larval instar. Difference in the quantities of amylase in midguts of H. armigera on feeding natural and artificial diets was evident. Legumes, vegetables, flowers and cereal categories were studied by taking representative of each category. Amylase activity and isoform patterns varied on host plant and artificial diet. Artificial diet fed H. armigera larvae had comparatively high amylase activity and several unique amylase isoforms. By studying variation in amylase activity we came to know H. armigera regulates the levels of digestive enzymes in response to macromolecular composition of the diet. These adjustments in the digestive enzymes of H. armigera may be to obtain better nourishment from the diet and avoid toxicity. Study of crude sorghum inhibitor was also studied against amylase. We are also going to study the expression of amylase in various instar and various diets.
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